Schneider Electric STB standard network interface module - Ethernet - 10 Mbit/s STBNIP2212
The product is part of the Modicon STB modular distributed I/O range. The standard network interface module has 1 main segment and up to 6 extension segments. It is an interface module with a nominal supply voltage of 24V DC, a maximum supply current of 700 A, an output voltage of 5.25V DC and an output current of 1.2 A. It offers the following communication services : embedded web, BootP/DHCP protocol, etc. The product is compatible with most major fieldbus networks. Works with SELV power supply. The product is classified IP20. Dimensions: 128.3mm (width) x 70mm (depth) x 40.5mm (height); weight: 0.13 kg. It is suitable for packaging, bottling, assembly and distribution applications, in the textile and printing industries and in semiconductor machines. The product is CE, CSA, ATEX category 3G, FM Class 1 Division 2, C-Tick and UL certified. Modicon LMC058 is the optimal solution for axis control and positioning, including automation functions. It is part of the flexible machine control approach, a key component of MachineStruxure.
Product Range Modicon STB distributed I/O solution
Product Type Standard Network Interface Module
Concept Transparent Ready
Door Ethernet 10BASE-T
Number of Segments 1 main and max 6 extensions
Number of Devices For
Transmission Speed 10 Mbit/s for bus length of 3000 m with fiber optic connection
10 Mbit/s for bus length of 0…100 m according to standard 802.3
10 Mbit/s for bus length of 0…1000 m with ConneXium cabling system
Type of Structure Industrial LAN
Number of Addressable I/O Modules 0…32 per isolate
Communication Service SNMP agent
Modbus TCP/IP messaging
Embedded web (configuration, diagnostics and variable access)
BootP/DHCP protocol
Nominal Voltage Di
Power supply [Us]
24 V DC
Type of power supply SELV
Maximum Current Supplied 700 A
Power Supply Voltage Limits 19.2…30 V
Input Current 430 mA for power supply circuit
Nominal Output Current 0.575 A at 60…70 °C
1.2 A
Output Voltage 5.25 V DC (tolerance: +/-0.21%) for logic bus